Rick Fink: The Next Two Months Will…

    • 1373 posts
    October 28, 2022 3:21 PM PDT

    The Next Two Months Will…


    …determine how the first six months of 2023 will go.


    I was very fortunate during my early career in media sales. The person that inspired me to get into the business was also my GM and ultimately my mentor. His name is Don Jacobs. Most everyone refers to him as Jake.


    Jake not only taught us how to become great media reps through our constant weekly training, but also taught us how to live better, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. He taught us self-discipline and inspired us to not settle for mediocrity but to dream big.


    Not everything he taught was a significant lesson. Some of his minor lessons had a major impact. One such lesson was during our six-month goal-setting process. About this time of year we would receive our goal sheets, and on the cover page were these words… What you do in the next two months will determine how the first six months of next year will go. Those are not the exact words, but close.


    These words are especially powerful this time of year. As media reps, what you do in the next two months regarding prospecting and renewals will tremendously impact your success or failure in the first half of 2023.


    When it comes to prospecting, will you have enough qualified prospects in your sales funnel? And renewals... Will you lay the groundwork and take the necessary steps in the next two months to ensure successful renewals? The process starts now!


    Success and growth in sales don’t just happen. It needs to be well thought out, and you must take the necessary actions to make sure you have the best chance of succeeding.


    Next Tuesday is November 1st. What you do in the next two months will determine what will happen in the first six months of 2023.


    Thanks for the lesson, Jake!


    NEVER Stop Learning - Get Better Every Day!

    Rick Fink

    ENS Media - Marketing & Motivation Consultants (ensmediausa.com)


    ENS Media consults, coaches, mentors and trains managers and account executives at radio stations across North America to increase their local direct sales.  President Rick Fink is a 30-year veteran and managed one of America’s largest billing small-market radio sales teams. To learn how ENS Media can help increase your revenues and train your sales team, contact [email protected].

    This post was edited by Rebecca Hunt at February 22, 2024 11:46 AM PST