As we approach the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, we're inviting all members to share your most vivid recollections of that day - for example:
Thanks very much for sharing your memories and thoughts with everyone.
Rare footage of the attacks on the WTC ( - raw and uncensored
Here is the message we air each year. Use it if you like: Hi Neighbor, it’s hard to believe it has been this many years since people in this country came together for one horrific day. I know where I was when the towers in New York City came down, as do most of us. I remember the anger, the shock, and eventually the shallow resolve that followed. I remembered seeing the American flag everywhere I looked and veterans, police and firefighters being recognized for their contributions. Today, however, I see and hear far too many newsmakers and politicians, using weapons of mass distraction to take our eyes off what is really important. I see and hear people complaining about the cost of war, but complaining about the money spent, rather than the tragic human cost. Today I see too many blowhard politicians who are more concerned about getting elected and spreading ideologies of division and hate. This week, I plan and will take the time to remember all of the people who were killed in a day of hate that struck New York City and America. I’ll remember all of the millions of service people who have carried out the wishes of the American people. Not just in Afghanistan and Iraq, but in Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Europe, North Africa, and everywhere else men and women have gone into harm's way to defend our way of life. Pause with me while we reflect… I’m Rick Murphy.
I had been up late the night before, so it was a phone call that stirred my sleep. It was a friend saying a plane had flown into the World Trade Center. I turned on the TV. I was glued to the eyewitness reporting through the morning. I recall feeling numb versus emotional. I knew at that moment the USA was no longer the sheltered nation where things like this didn't happen. I reflected on how Germany and Japan planned attacks on the mainland but only Japan managed to attack American soil at Pearl Harbor in World War II. Somehow we felt protected from an attack. Acts of terror happened elsewhere.
As the story fully played out and the full impact hit me. I was comforted by the constant exchange of news and opinion from actual listeners who hadn't any agenda I listened to on radio. Just talking about it seemed to help.
For those that don't recall that fateful day, my takeaway is our country, our way of life and our values exist because of the people of this nation. We can have differing opinions and views but it is our respect for law and our high value placed on our freedoms and values that maintain our greatness and supply the strength to endure and thwart any attack on who we are.
Terrorism is nothing more than an attack on the innocent because of a disagreement with our elected officials.
I was right here--in the same office when my grandmother called to say she saw this on TV. I knew immediately it wasn't just a stray plane. I turned the radio speaker up and heard the 2nd plane hit and I called our manager who was at a seminar to let him know. Ran down the hall to tell announcer to go live with ABC News. Then called my husband and listened/watched in shock the rest of the day.
I was in-between radio gigs and fell back on my roots of restaurant management and was in fact working at an independent living outfit owned by the Marriott - and like most watched the 2nd plane on the TV while at work. What was impactful to me was those residents at the time lived thru WW2 - so the conversation at dinner that night was where were you on Dec 7th, 1941 - and everyone had their story like we have ours today. They ALL heard the news on the radio. One man said he signed up for duty the next day and was in Honolulu 4 days later cleaning up, another gentleman was a medic on Iwo Jima and knew a couple of the guys who raised the flag...and gave color to the true story of that raising. I was glad I was there to hear their stories as that generation is now gone.
I remember it well, Phoenix AZ completing a tour of America's Beautiful West, finishing up with an America Past time, A good old ballgame at the stadium. Then phone rang, daughter in Thurmont, Md, sobbing yelling, turn on the TV, turn on the TV! It was down in the breakfast room that the TV story came alive. Thousand miles from the tragic event, An Airline pilot worried/wondered, what friend was in the cockpit. Lady working front desk had family members working in the Pentagon. Yes the event touched all America. Took a week before we could fly home, landing at BWI a loud praise/clapping of hands broke out. Folks America came together, we were one nation under God. With tears in my eyes I wonder where are we twenty years later and most important WHY?
Allen, GSB Media LLC